
Hi, I’m Vanessa Taylor, owner and consultant of Taylor Leadership Consulting. I help businesses seeking to improve their company culture and leadership styles.

As a teenager, I saw the importance of good leadership and the impact it can make in a person’s life. On the flipside, I also saw the impact that poor leadership can make. I became very passionate about seeking to be a good leader at a young age. Continuing through life, I have had many leadership opportunities which has given me experience to apply leadership skills, figuring out what does and doesn’t work for the various groups I was among.

After working in the workforce and experiencing a variety of leaders, I decided to learn more about leadership. I received my Master’s degree from Gonzaga University in Organizational Leadership, which is one of the best programs in the country on the subject. During the program, I was exposed to organizational health and how to improve it. Between this education, my experience, and passion for great leadership, I decided to help organizations improve their company cultures.

When I’m not focusing on leadership, I love to spend time with my husband and baby who are an important part of my life. I also love to cook, spend time with friends, weight lift and listen to inspiring podcasts. I love learning, self-improvement, and look forward to helping organizations reach their potential by creating a great place for employees to work, directly impacting the success of their business.


           ·       Master of Arts in Organization Leadership, Gonzaga University 2020

           ·        Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Utah State University 2013